• Bean Boy
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  • Sent $7M by mistake?! What would you do?

Sent $7M by mistake?! What would you do?

+ The bulls are back in town, but for how long?

GM, GM. Bitcoin seem to have dumped after yesterdays edition of talking about BTC to 1M, did we jinx it? Anyways, Bean Boy is back again with our second edition for this week, btw this is our 9th edition already… time goes fast when you’ve bean having fun 😊. Also, what do thieves, greedy people and hackers have in common? They’re all included in today’s edition. Okay… enough of the jokes, let’s see what’s in the pod for today.

How we looking today?

Definitely NOT the beginning of the golden bull run! Trying to use reverse psychology on the market makers so BTC actually pumps to 1M 🙏🏻.


In 2021, a Crypto.com employee accidentally sent $6.6 million (10.5M $AUD) instead of a $100 refund to, Thevamanogari Manivel and her husband, Jatinder Singh. Bruh… how do you even make that mistake? Regardless, the couple ‘thought’ it was money they somehow won from a competition, and bought four houses, vehicles, gifts for relatives, art and some furniture, with over $1.45M sent offshore to Malaysia, surely you could’ve thought up with a better excuse. BTW, it took 7 months for Crypto.com to find out they f*cked up 😂.

Now that you’re all caught up, pretty much the couple went to a court hearing where they pleaded not guilty, because of their ‘money won from a competition’ excuse, which obviously isn’t going to hold up. The court ordered them to liquidate all their assets and return the funds getting ~$5M back in the process. Unfortunately, $2M is still missing, but, both of their passports have been confiscated, so they’re stuck in the land of kangaroos for a while to say the least.

Message of this story is, it’s much harder to steal and get away from a centralized entity than a decentralized one.


Here’s an example of a thief that stole off a decentralized entity and is still unknown. That’s right, the Euler exploiter is back again but on a different note to the last. Before turning ‘white hat’, the exploiter sent funds to the North Korean address that exploited the protocol regarding the P2E game, Axie Infinity. After they were done fooling around the following on-chain note to the Euler Deployer address was sent, “we want to make this easy on all those affected. No intention of keeping what is not ours. Setting up secure communication. Let us come to an agreement.”

Within a few hours, the Euler team responded back to the exploiter basically saying, ‘talk soon xoxo.’ Boy that must have been quite a relief for them. This is their response, “Message received. Let's talk in private on blockscan via the Euler Deployer address and one of your EOAs, via signed messages over email at [email protected], or any other channel of your choice. Reply with your preference.”

Anyways, from Bean Boy’s perspective this is definitely the better way to get the cash out because trying to launder and withdraw ~200M is wayyyy too much. Just make a deal with the team, get the agreed amount out in Monero, and bammm, you got your self a clean slate and clean money 🤝.


Well, well, well, looks like Bean Boy weren’t the only one feeling giga bullish and jinxing the entire market, everybody else was as well! The Crypto Fear and Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching 66 points, putting it in a solid position of Greed. The last time greed levels like this were seen was during BTC’s all-time high in November 2021. Wait a minute… does that mean we should sell? Or maybe that’s what the market makers wants us to think…

To be honest, Bean Boy doesn’t really care what happens to the short term price action of BTC because it will go to $1M one day, right? To all the degen traders, remember the famous quote by Warren Buffet: “be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful,” but you can still make a whole lotta money off a ponzi, before it collapses. Bean Boy added that last part to those who couldn’t tell 😂.


  • Arbitrum Put Options let traders bet on first day price action, and the degen punters are back.

  • Famous Crypto Twitter ‘Cobie’ relapsed back into playing League of Legends after a 4 month break and will most likely be missing from the battlefields for a bit 😂.

  • Coinbase submits petition to SEC explaining that staking is not securities, please stop the fud feds…


Last year, before Tornado Cash got shut down, I tried to wash 1 ETH to a fresh wallet so I could see how much I could make/lose without people stalking my balance. Now, this was around the time Tornado Cash got shut down by the FEDS but I had no idea. Now my main wallet with over 6 figs of $USDT is blacklisted. I sacrificed 6 figs for 1 ETH pretty much…


DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.